
Url: www.cellerium.com
Description: Cellerium's platform – MUGI, is aimed to enable a widespread development of the Mobile-Web by generating smart interfaces for dynamic Mobile Web applications. This unique platform empowers the easiness of transposing all Web sites and applications into Mobile applications, while using the existing data, content and functionality.
Address: Hamelacha Netanya
Email: marketing@cellerium.com
mobile content,
Url: http://www.nooly.com/
Description: Develops a location-based short term personalized weather forecast platform and application. Including patented personalized weather advertising platform.
Established: 2001
Address: Herzliya ISRAEL, 46379
Telefone: 09-9571219
Email: mailto:info@nooly.com
Description: Develops a location-based short term personalized weather forecast platform and application. Including patented personalized weather advertising platform.
Established: 2001
Address: Herzliya ISRAEL, 46379
Telefone: 09-9571219
Email: mailto:info@nooly.com
mobile consulting,
tel aviv

Url: http://www.flashnetworks.com/Content.aspx?Page=careers
Description: Flash Networks is a leading provider of quality-of-experience (QoE) solutions that unleash the mobile Internet by empowering a fast, adaptive, safe and personalized user experience. Flash’s innovative QoE platforms harmonize network infrastructure for lower capital and operating expenses while enabling the rapid introduction of revenue-generating mobile Internet services. With offices in Europe and North America, Flash Networks serves a growing installed base of over 40 top-tier mobile carriers worldwide such as T-Mobile, Vodafone and Orange.
Description: Flash Networks is a leading provider of quality-of-experience (QoE) solutions that unleash the mobile Internet by empowering a fast, adaptive, safe and personalized user experience. Flash’s innovative QoE platforms harmonize network infrastructure for lower capital and operating expenses while enabling the rapid introduction of revenue-generating mobile Internet services. With offices in Europe and North America, Flash Networks serves a growing installed base of over 40 top-tier mobile carriers worldwide such as T-Mobile, Vodafone and Orange.
Address: 7 Sapir Road, POB 12624 Herzlia 46733
Telefone: +972 9 958 0666
Email: jobs@flashnetworks.com
Telefone: +972 9 958 0666
Email: jobs@flashnetworks.com
mobile internet

Url: http://www.10levels.com/careers.html
Description: 10Levels is a leading integration and solution provider company that offers a wide range of networking and telephony services and solutions. From quality assurance solutions to installation and integration of complex network and VoIP systems, which ensures a proper match of the specific client requirements, adhering to international standards of quality and professionalism.
Established: 2004
Address: 22 Maskit St. P.O.Box: 12508 Herzliya
Telefone: 077-6657171
Email: ronit@10levels.com

Url: http://www.yoomba.com/Jobs.jsp, www.yoomba.com,
Description: YOOMBA ISRAEL is an Israeli division of a company headquartered in San Francisco, California. YOOMBA is the Real-time communication service that brings presence into email. YOOMBA is a free service that lets anyone with an e-mail address send and receive instant messages and VoIP calls without creating any new user accounts. Needing only a functioning e-mail address, users can quickly download the YOOMBA client from the company website, and without any registration can contact other e-mail ddresses over chat or VoIP call by clicking one of two buttons that automatically appear next to e-mails in your e-mail client. In order to chat or make calls, however, both users need to have YOOMBA: if the other address contacted does not have YOOMBA, he/she will get an e-mail directed to YOOMBA's download site. YOOMBA is compatible with many e-mail clients inculding GMail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and Outlook.
Established: 2006
Address: 91 Medinat Hayehudim St. P.O.Box: 12898 Herzliya
Telefone: 09-9612999 09-9558515
Email: jobs@yoomba.com
mobile web instant messaging,

Description: BizMo is a one-stop-shop for innovative mobile content solutions. Since its inception BizMo specializes in delivering high-end customizable and scalable mobile content solutions that are specially taiored to the customers' unique needs. By combining strong technological capabilities with deep understanding of the mobile world requirements, BizMo provides its customers with a wide variety of robust and scalable revenue-generating mobile content products. Having a rich experience in developing mobile applications, distributing mobile content, approaching new marketing segments and creating new business - BizMo is a leading player in the emerging and exciting world of international mobile content.
Description: BizMo is a one-stop-shop for innovative mobile content solutions. Since its inception BizMo specializes in delivering high-end customizable and scalable mobile content solutions that are specially taiored to the customers' unique needs. By combining strong technological capabilities with deep understanding of the mobile world requirements, BizMo provides its customers with a wide variety of robust and scalable revenue-generating mobile content products. Having a rich experience in developing mobile applications, distributing mobile content, approaching new marketing segments and creating new business - BizMo is a leading player in the emerging and exciting world of international mobile content.
Established: 2008
Address: 40 Lilienblum St. Tel Aviv
Telefone: 077-7060414
Email: mailto:info@bizmo.co.il
Address: 40 Lilienblum St. Tel Aviv
Telefone: 077-7060414
Email: mailto:info@bizmo.co.il
mobile content,
tel aviv
Description: Since 2001, Cellectivity has been leading the way in mobile e-commerce development and distribution, thanks to a winning combination of unique and proprietary technology, product expertise, and marketing network. Cellectivity partners with premium online Casino and Betting brands, mobile operators and media companies to Build, Aggregate and Manage state-of-the-art Portal applications for mobile phones.
Established: 2001
Established: 2001
Address: Herzliya
Email: careers@cellectivity.com.
mobile content
Wild Jack,Spiral Solutions,Spin3
Url:http://www.spiralsolutions.com/careers.html ,http://www.spin3.com/
App: http://www.wildjack.co.uk/
Description: Online Web nad Mobile Casino. Development company SPIN 3
Established: 1999
Address: 49 HaHaroshet Street, PO Box 694, Karmiel, 21616
Address: 49 HaHaroshet Street, PO Box 694, Karmiel, 21616
mobile casino
Description: Online Web nad Mobile Casino. Playtech, the world’s largest publicly traded online gaming software supplier, is a vibrant, forward-thinking software company aimed at offering exciting and innovative value-added solutions to the online gaming industry's top operators. Founded in 1999, Playtech has proven itself to be a leader in the industry by delivering top-notch products and impeccable service to its clients.
Established: 1999
Address: Tel Aviv
Email: kira.sandler@playtech.com
mobile casino,
tel aviv
Url: http://www.888holdingsplc.com/Careers/Careers.asp,
Description: Online Web nad Mobile Casino
Established: 1996
Address: 85 Medinat Hayehudim St. Herzliya
Email: mailto:Info@888holdings.com
Press :
CEO: Mr. Gigi Levy
mobile casino
Description: modu was established in early 2007 by Dov Moran, founder and CEO of msystems (NSDQ:FLSH), inventors and leaders of the USB flash drive market (DiskOnKey™), FlashDisk (DiskOnChip™) and other ground-breaking products. A seasoned team comprised of executives and managers from msystems, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, Motorola, Qualcomm, Intel, SanDisk, Symbian, Marvell, Orange and other leading companies allows modu to offer a unique blend of experience and unrivaled expertise in the mobile and consumer electronics arenas. modu has already developed key relationships with leading partners and manufacturers and has raised significant initial funding from a distinguished group of financial institutions and strategic investors.
Established: 2007
Address: 17 Atir Eda,Kfar Saba
Address: 17 Atir Eda,Kfar Saba
kfar saba
Description: Cellesense offers a self-service channel, using instant messaging (IM) infrastructure such as, Text (SMS), MMS, and various others. Cellesense’s unique technology for understanding natural language enables self-service over these channels. With the Cellesense solution, ANY programmer can easily develop an application and integrate it with existing systems.
The Cellesense solution can be utilized in all industries that provide a self service option: banking, insurance, transportation, healthcare, Content (news, ringtones, stock quotes), and many others. Whenever the customer needs frequent interaction with the organization and/or access to structured data, as in ordering tickets, schedules, account balance and stock market inquiries, the Cellesense solution provides the conduit and eases the process.
The Cellesense solution can be utilized in all industries that provide a self service option: banking, insurance, transportation, healthcare, Content (news, ringtones, stock quotes), and many others. Whenever the customer needs frequent interaction with the organization and/or access to structured data, as in ordering tickets, schedules, account balance and stock market inquiries, the Cellesense solution provides the conduit and eases the process.
Established: 2001
Address: Top Dan building, 72 Pinhas Rosen St.Tel Aviv
Telefone: 03 6043 350
Telefone: 03 6043 350
Email: jobs@cellesense.com
Description: EMOZE is an Israeli based company, wholly owned by the Emblaze Group. Emblaze is a group of business units, each offering a different technology or product, from mobile handsets to MMS infrastructure components, all dealing with the new challenges of the rapidly changing telecom world. EMOZE is a new business unit born by the employees and technologies from within the group. EMOZE's mission is to make electronic messaging completely mobile. The vast majority of Email usage today is via the PC. In EMOZE's vision, people will send letters to each other electronically anytime, anywhere, regardless of global location, device type or network operator and in a similar fashion and experience as we know it on a PC. The EMOZE PC Connector is a software component that plugs-in to your Email application (Microsoft Outlook, Domino or Web Mail service) in order to connect your Email with the wireless world. Established:
Address: 1 Emblaze Square, Emblaze House P.O.Box: 2220 Raanana
Address: 1 Emblaze Square, Emblaze House P.O.Box: 2220 Raanana
Telephone: 09-7699333
Email: mailto:caron.tal@emoze.com
Email: mailto:caron.tal@emoze.com
push email,
Url: http://mailvision.com/html/careers.html
Description: MailVision combines its expertise in VOIP and high quality voice applications to provide a turn keysolution for SIP based networks and services. Mailvision’s application server and SIP applications are designed for the IMS architecture and the business challenges presented by FMC.PICO Mobile SIP Client .
Description: MailVision combines its expertise in VOIP and high quality voice applications to provide a turn keysolution for SIP based networks and services. Mailvision’s application server and SIP applications are designed for the IMS architecture and the business challenges presented by FMC.PICO Mobile SIP Client .
Address: 10a Haganim Street, P.O.B. 8460, Haifa 31084
Telefone: 048508000
Telefone: 048508000
Description: Convergin provides leading FMC and Service Capability Interaction Management (SCIM) solutions,accelerating deployments of IMS, and seamlessly orchestrating mobile, legacy and next generation core network elements..
Address: 15 Abba Eban Avenue Herzliya 46140
Address: 15 Abba Eban Avenue Herzliya 46140
Telefone: 099517771
Email: jobs@convergin.com
Email: jobs@convergin.com
Press :
Url: http://www.silentcom.com/
Description: Silent Communication’s TWT™ solution, world patent solution, is positioned as complementaryto existing call completion solutions including SMS, MMS, Voicemail and other call backmechanisms. These technologies offer new possibilities to users; however they fail to addressthe subscribers’ needs of conducting a regular voice call while remaining silent (during
meetings, lectures, movies, silent situations, etc). TWT™ holds a unique position, as it is the
only real-time human voice messaging system.
Established: 2003
Address: 52, Begin Rd, Tel Aviv 67137,
Telefone: 03 7914434 ,03 7914436
Press :
Products: http://www.silentcom.com/products.asp
call completion,
tel aviv
Url: http://www.tjat.com/
Description: Community and Messaging. Developer of Tjat.com MIM, a free WAP-based Mobile Instant Messaging client that can be used with an existing ICQ or MSN Messenger account.
Description: Community and Messaging. Developer of Tjat.com MIM, a free WAP-based Mobile Instant Messaging client that can be used with an existing ICQ or MSN Messenger account.
Established: 2005
Address: 157 Yigal Alon St. Tel Aviv
Address: 157 Yigal Alon St. Tel Aviv
Telephone: 03-6911007
Press :
Description: A leading provider of noise reduction softwares for Mobile phones, VoIP providers, PBXs and other telecom industries. SoliCall Ltd. has developed a unique and patent-pending personalized voice pass filter that identifies the voice of the speaker and extracts it from the audio signal. The company's vision is to raise the bar of voice quality in the telecom industry.
Established: 2005
Press :
Press :
Description: JNJ MOBILE LTD., developer of MocoSpace, is a leading mobile internet company dedicated to revolutionizing the way people make friends and stay connected on their mobile device. MocoSpace's mission is to be the best place to find friends, have fun and stay connected on your mobile phone.
Established: 2005
Address: 18 Aba Even Rd. Herzliya
Address: 18 Aba Even Rd. Herzliya
Telephone: 09-9565712
Email: info@corp.mocospace.com
Press :
social network
Url: http://www.hyperactive.co.il/
Description: HYPERACTIVE HIGHTECH LTD. is a pioneer in the cellular education sector. The company is headquartered in Israel with offices in US. HYPERACTIVE is focusing on developing a set of innovative technologies, enabling the implementation of educational systems & software via the existing cellular equipment available in the marketplace.
Description: HYPERACTIVE HIGHTECH LTD. is a pioneer in the cellular education sector. The company is headquartered in Israel with offices in US. HYPERACTIVE is focusing on developing a set of innovative technologies, enabling the implementation of educational systems & software via the existing cellular equipment available in the marketplace.
Established: 2004
Address: 19 Tel Chai St. Raanana
Telephone: 09-7728855
Email: jobs@hyperactive.co.il
Press :
Telephone: 09-7728855
Email: jobs@hyperactive.co.il
Press :
mobile education,
Description: CELLOGIC has developed FlyScreen, the first always-on, fully customizable mobile content portal. FlyScreen allows users to take content that they would normally need to open their browser to surf for, and have it surfed up to them, always available at a glance on the mobile screen. FlyScreen makes the mobile web truly mobile, and enables unprecedented exposure for content/media partners
Established: 2006
Address: 5 Molcho St. Jerusalem
Address: 5 Molcho St. Jerusalem
Telephone: 02-5323591 052-8798381
Email: jobs@cellogic.com
Press :
mobile portal
Url: http://www.3gvision.com/
Description: 3GVision provides intelligent processing solutions that transform video-enabled handheld devices into powerful access points of data input. Initially, the Company will focus on developing technologies that allow for the processing of video streams into high-resolution digital formats.
Two Dimensional Bar Code Reader, delivering accurate recognition for pre-coded information.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition), for recognition of printed texts of any kind, for 'recognition on the go'.
Fax Scanner, converting any mobile phone picture to a faxable image, turning the mobile phone into a truly portable document scanner and fax machine.
Motion Detection Engine, for natural and intuitive application and gaming control.
Established: 1999
Description: 3GVision provides intelligent processing solutions that transform video-enabled handheld devices into powerful access points of data input. Initially, the Company will focus on developing technologies that allow for the processing of video streams into high-resolution digital formats.
Two Dimensional Bar Code Reader, delivering accurate recognition for pre-coded information.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition), for recognition of printed texts of any kind, for 'recognition on the go'.
Fax Scanner, converting any mobile phone picture to a faxable image, turning the mobile phone into a truly portable document scanner and fax machine.
Motion Detection Engine, for natural and intuitive application and gaming control.
Established: 1999
Address: 28 Haharoshet St. P.O.Box: 440 Or Yehuda
Telephone: 03-6342929
Telephone: 03-6342929
Url: http://www.cell-apps.com/
Description: Cell-Apps Ltd. is the creator of a unique patent-pending Cellular Money Network, which unifies commercial banks, retail stores and mobile operators in a mobile cash system enabling users to securely send and receive money anytime anywhere with no transaction fees and no top-up fees.
Established: 2007
Description: Cell-Apps Ltd. is the creator of a unique patent-pending Cellular Money Network, which unifies commercial banks, retail stores and mobile operators in a mobile cash system enabling users to securely send and receive money anytime anywhere with no transaction fees and no top-up fees.
Established: 2007
Address: 18 Gordon St. P.O.Box: 1771 Ramat Hasharon
Telephone: 03-5494562
Email: info@cellapps.com
mobile payment,
Ramat Hasharon
Description: vPrise is a software and consulting company specializing in Java technology. vPrise makes extensive use of Java to facilitate unique applications on platforms as diverse as mainframes/data centers to desktops and cellphones.
Established: 2005
Address: Tel Aviv
Address: Tel Aviv
mobile consulting,
tel aviv
mobile consulting
Mobile Up

Description: Software house which develops applications for mobile phones.
Established: 2005
Address: Rehovot
Email: info@mobile-up.co.il
mobile consulting,
Ramat Gan
Url: http://www.zetasw.com/
Description : Mobile Technologies.
Established: 2008
Address: Raanana
Email: shimon.chadad@zetasw.com
CEO: Shimon Chadad
Description : Mobile Technologies.
Established: 2008
Address: Raanana
Email: shimon.chadad@zetasw.com
CEO: Shimon Chadad

Description: Value-added telecom services. TappS NSC carrier-grade Network Service Controller provides multiple carrier-grade services on the same platform with shared service resources. Enables integration of media servers, web interfaces and softswitch features.
Address: Hod HaSharon
Email: joinus@personeta.com
Hod Hasharon
Url: http://www.onsettechnology.com/
Description: METAmessage family of software products convert any kind of message - fax, voice, email and attachments - into device-independent information accessible and manageable on wireless devices.
Address: Herzliya
Email: jobs.israel@onsettechnology.com
Description: METAmessage family of software products convert any kind of message - fax, voice, email and attachments - into device-independent information accessible and manageable on wireless devices.
Address: Herzliya
Email: jobs.israel@onsettechnology.com
Url: http://www.one-fone.com/
Description: Mobile VOIP telephony
Email: hr@one-fone.com
Description: Mobile VOIP telephony
Email: hr@one-fone.com
Url: http://www.mirs.co.il/
Description: Nationwide cellular communications network operator providing mobile communications services for business and executive accounts sectors.
Description: Nationwide cellular communications network operator providing mobile communications services for business and executive accounts sectors.
Address: Tel Aviv
Url: http://www.callup.net/careers.asp
Description: CallUp Net Ltd. is a dynamic, service-oriented private company which develops and markets advanced messaging solutions for wireless network and fixed line carriers, integrating both telephony and Internet systems.
Description: CallUp Net Ltd. is a dynamic, service-oriented private company which develops and markets advanced messaging solutions for wireless network and fixed line carriers, integrating both telephony and Internet systems.
Address: Rosh Haain
Email: info@callup.net
Rosh Haayin
Description: BigBand Networks, Inc. provides broadband service providers with innovative network solutions designed to make it easier to move, manage and monetize video. These solutions are based on BigBand's video-networking platforms and open technologies that are built to enable efficient and reliable delivery of video, voice and data across a wide range of services, including digital TV, high definition TV, addressable advertising, video on demand, interactive TV, Internet TV, video telephony, high-speed Internet and voice-over-IP.
Established: Address: Tel Aviv
Email: jobs_telaviv@bigbandnet.com
Email: jobs_telaviv@bigbandnet.com
tel aviv

Url: http://www.spikko.com/
Description: Spikko provides its members free internet-based telephone services. Users receive a personal Israeli (cellular) phone number through which they may contact any telephone or cellular number in the world for free, without any strings attached.
From the minute you register, you will get an Israeli telephone number of your own. Connecting is easy, simply register to get a number, download the internet telephone program (Spikkophone) and install it.
Once you have registered, anyone who wishes to contact you can dial your new number from any telephone or cellular phone. Your spikko phone will ring you anywhere in the world, provided that you are connected to the internet. If you are not connected to the internet, your contact can leave voice mail. The voice mail will be forwarded to your email address, or you can listen to it from Spikko's website.
Description: Spikko provides its members free internet-based telephone services. Users receive a personal Israeli (cellular) phone number through which they may contact any telephone or cellular number in the world for free, without any strings attached.
From the minute you register, you will get an Israeli telephone number of your own. Connecting is easy, simply register to get a number, download the internet telephone program (Spikkophone) and install it.
Once you have registered, anyone who wishes to contact you can dial your new number from any telephone or cellular phone. Your spikko phone will ring you anywhere in the world, provided that you are connected to the internet. If you are not connected to the internet, your contact can leave voice mail. The voice mail will be forwarded to your email address, or you can listen to it from Spikko's website.

Description: Microsoft Telecom solutions.
Address: Herzliya
Email: ildcjobs@microsoft.com

Url: http://www.amdocs.com/Site/Careers/AmdocsCareers.htm
Description: AMDOCS is a subsidiary of an international company. AMDOCS provides information solutions to the leaders of the communications industry worldwide, offering customer care, billing and order management systems for communications and Internet services providers, and business support systems for directory publishing companies.
Established: 1987
Address: Raanana
Email: jobsAmdocscom@amdocs.com
Blog: http://www.amdocs.com/amdocscom/pages/rss.aspx?tcg=%7B970DAAE7-6758-4D51-A1B5-03C12FD029A3%7D
Jobnet: http://www.jobs-israel.com/PositionResults.aspx?companyID=1867
Description: AMDOCS is a subsidiary of an international company. AMDOCS provides information solutions to the leaders of the communications industry worldwide, offering customer care, billing and order management systems for communications and Internet services providers, and business support systems for directory publishing companies.
Established: 1987
Address: Raanana
Email: jobsAmdocscom@amdocs.com
Blog: http://www.amdocs.com/amdocscom/pages/rss.aspx?tcg=%7B970DAAE7-6758-4D51-A1B5-03C12FD029A3%7D
Jobnet: http://www.jobs-israel.com/PositionResults.aspx?companyID=1867

Description: Developer of a technology and host of mobile specific applications to cater the needs of mobile service providers in all business areas including messaging, data service, interactive games, data retrieval, content distribution and delivery and more.
Established: 2002
Address: Tel-Aviv
Email: job4u@teleclal.com
Established: 2002
Address: Tel-Aviv
Email: job4u@teleclal.com
tel aviv
Url: http://www.softexpress.co.il/main/careers.html
Description: Solutions include J2ME for mobile devices, design and development of highly complicate software projects and development of web-based applications. Also provides full cycle software development services (outsourcing). Internet and cellular users.
Established: 2005
Address: Kfar Vitkin
Email: jobs@SoftExpress.co.il
Description: Solutions include J2ME for mobile devices, design and development of highly complicate software projects and development of web-based applications. Also provides full cycle software development services (outsourcing). Internet and cellular users.
Established: 2005
Address: Kfar Vitkin
Email: jobs@SoftExpress.co.il
Kfar Vitkin
Url: http://www.snapfeel.com/
Description: A unique, innovative solution that enables emotion detection in text messages for Internet and cellular users.
Established: 2006
Address: Hod Hasharon
Email: mailto:info@snapfeel.com
Description: A unique, innovative solution that enables emotion detection in text messages for Internet and cellular users.
Established: 2006
Address: Hod Hasharon
Email: mailto:info@snapfeel.com
Hod Hasharon
Description: skiller ltd. is an innovative playground of skill games for adults and teens which is accessible from web and mobile. We offer a turn-key solution that enables a quick and easy creation of skill games communities. skiller platform makes it as easy as picking up a cell phone to engage in a battle of wits, either for the sheer pleasure of showing off your aptitudes or for a small winning.
Established: 2007
Address: Kfar Saba
Email: info@skiller-games.com
Description: skiller ltd. is an innovative playground of skill games for adults and teens which is accessible from web and mobile. We offer a turn-key solution that enables a quick and easy creation of skill games communities. skiller platform makes it as easy as picking up a cell phone to engage in a battle of wits, either for the sheer pleasure of showing off your aptitudes or for a small winning.
Established: 2007
Address: Kfar Saba
Email: info@skiller-games.com
kfar saba
Url: http://www.peroon.co.il/Careers.html
Description: PEROON R&D Ltd. is a leading provider of mobile porting solutions, mobile software engineering and embedded software development services.
Established: 2001
Address: Tel Aviv
Email: yifat@peroon.co.il
Jobnet: http://www.jobs-israel.com/PositionResults.aspx?companyID=10850
Description: PEROON R&D Ltd. is a leading provider of mobile porting solutions, mobile software engineering and embedded software development services.
Established: 2001
Address: Tel Aviv
Email: yifat@peroon.co.il
Jobnet: http://www.jobs-israel.com/PositionResults.aspx?companyID=10850
tel aviv

Description: Moblica offers online service providers, media companies and content owners a fast track into the world of mobile Internet.
Established: 2007
Address: Tel Aviv
Email: jobs@moblica.com
Established: 2007
Address: Tel Aviv
Email: jobs@moblica.com
CEO: Ran Makavy
CTO: Barak Naveh
VPR&D: Micha Berdichevsky
tel aviv

Url: http://www.comverse.com/working_in_comverse
Description: Enhanced systems services for wireless, wireline and IP telephony network providers. Value Added Services (Voice, Data, Internet) for Telephone Companies and Network Operators. Established: 1982
Address: Tel Aviv
Email: comverse@cv-center.co.il
Description: Enhanced systems services for wireless, wireline and IP telephony network providers. Value Added Services (Voice, Data, Internet) for Telephone Companies and Network Operators. Established: 1982
Address: Tel Aviv
Email: comverse@cv-center.co.il
tel aviv

Url: http://www.cellxpert.com/
Description: Cellact is a leading developer and provider of mobile messaging applications and management platforms for organizations and mobile operators.
Established: 2005
Address: Yehud
Email: mailto:general@cellxpert.com
Description: Cellact is a leading developer and provider of mobile messaging applications and management platforms for organizations and mobile operators.
Established: 2005
Address: Yehud
Email: mailto:general@cellxpert.com

Url: http://www.cellact.com/page.asp?cat=212&type=2&lang=2
Description: Cellact is a leading developer and provider of mobile messaging applications and management platforms for organizations and mobile operators.
Established: 1999
Address: Shefayim
Email: jobs@cellact.com
Description: Cellact is a leading developer and provider of mobile messaging applications and management platforms for organizations and mobile operators.
Established: 1999
Address: Shefayim
Email: jobs@cellact.com

Url: http://www.jajah.com/
Description: JAJAH, the world’s most innovative communications company, offers flexible, next-generation telephony solutions for consumers and businesses. JAJAH's award-winning communication services make it easier for people to stay in touch using any device, on any network, anywhere.
Established: 2006
Address: Raanana
Email: jobs-il@jajah.com, advertising@JAJAH.com
Description: JAJAH, the world’s most innovative communications company, offers flexible, next-generation telephony solutions for consumers and businesses. JAJAH's award-winning communication services make it easier for people to stay in touch using any device, on any network, anywhere.
Established: 2006
Address: Raanana
Email: jobs-il@jajah.com, advertising@JAJAH.com
Pudding Media

Url: http://puddingmedia.com/company/careers.html
Description: Company brings targeted, relevant and timely advertising to voice operators and opens new advertising real-estate that allows placement of multi-modal advertising in voice and messaging services. By combining audio, text and display ad units with a unique contextual and behavioral targeting engine, Company enables any voice provider - mobile carrier, VoIP and Web-based voice operators - to generate new revenue stream by transforming their voice minutes into an effective advertising inventory.
Established: 2006
Address: Kfar Saba
Email: jobs@puddingmedia.com
Description: Company brings targeted, relevant and timely advertising to voice operators and opens new advertising real-estate that allows placement of multi-modal advertising in voice and messaging services. By combining audio, text and display ad units with a unique contextual and behavioral targeting engine, Company enables any voice provider - mobile carrier, VoIP and Web-based voice operators - to generate new revenue stream by transforming their voice minutes into an effective advertising inventory.
Established: 2006
Address: Kfar Saba
Email: jobs@puddingmedia.com
kfar saba
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